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Individual Counseling and Personal Therapy

Personal therapy is a wonderful tool to gain an insight into your inner world and reconnect with your inner self. It offers a safe and non-judgemental space to express yourself unconditionally. As humans, we experience phases of distress and phases of happiness. Personal Therapy helps you to explore and grow through these different phases of life. You gain better understanding of yourself and explore what is holding you back from being who you truly are. Counseling allows individuals to embark on a journey of self-exploration and gain valuable coping skills throug the counseling process .

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Relationship, Pre Marital and Marital Counseling

Like most things in life, relationships also go through a fair share of ups and downs. With increased work and social pressure, marriages and relationships sometimes face immense stress. Through individual and joint sessions, relationship counseling helps you and your partner overcome damaging behaviour responses.

Miscommunication and inability to resolve conflicts makes one too distressed to understand not only our partner’s but even our own behaviour. Conflicts escalate not because our partners do not intend well, but because both partners have different needs and ways of expressing them. Often two people in the same relationship can have very different versions of their reality and feelings.

Couples counseling helps both partners to bridge the gap and work towards the healthy relationship they want to be in and offers skill sets for creating and sustaining it.

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Career counseling

Facilitating dreams and fostering growth is our core philosophy at Inner Growth Counseling. We strive to provide razor sharp career guidance and counseling services to help students achieve their dream goals. The right career choice can provide the perfect head start for students aiming at a successful career. We aim to provide world class consultation through a unique and individualised approach which brings out the best in every student seeking brilliance.

With an extensive knowledge in the field of student behaviour and aspirations , we effectively help students visualise and accomplish their goals.

  • Profile Evaluation
  • Career counseling session
  • Counseling plus stream assessment
  • India Complete Package
  • International Complete Package
  • Psychometric Assessment
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DMIT Testing

A scientific evaluation technique which identifies inherent skill sets and inborn potentials. It helps to identify strengths and talents which can then be nurtured to maximise results. It is extremely useful for board selection, subject selection, hobbies, sports and activities for optimal outcomes. The board best suited for the child’s learning style can give the right direction from the beginning paving the way for a bright future.It helps parents to understand their child’s potential and chalk out a road map for their personal goals with‭ clear identification of styles of learning and communication.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

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Play Therapy

Play therapy is a form of therapeutic intervention which uses the primary need for play in humans as a means to explore their inner world. It gives them an opportunity to express their feelings, process their emotions and make sense of their life experiences through play.

The safe and comfortable environment of the playroom along with the positive relationship that develops between the therapist and client during play therapy sessions facilitates a corrective emotional experience necessary for healing.

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Online Counseling

With a steadily growing clientele in Mumbai where she is based, Aekta also consults clients from other towns and cities from across the world with the help of audio and video calls. Counseling can be availed online through audio and video conferencing.