Inner Growth Counseling

Inner Growth was conceptualised with the intention to provide effective and holistic mental health care. Facilitating dreams and fostering growth is the philosophy at Inner Growth Counseling. Along with Career Guidance for students and professionals we also offer highly personalised counseling for individuals and families. Complete confidentiality, privacy and a non judgemental space is maintained at all times.

We integrate multiple psychological approaches and therapeutic interventions based on the specific needs of the client. At Inner growth counseling, we successfully implement a potent combination of academic knowledge and time tested philosophies to help clients achieve the best versions of themselves.

From Cognitive Behavioural Models to Mindfulness inspired by the teachings of Buddhism to the timeless wisdom of The Bhagavad Gita and Patanjali’s Yogasutras, there is something valuable to imbibe from each of these universal philosophies, which influences the ethos at Inner Growth Counseling.

We make the process of healing as seamless as possible for the client to bring about a desired change in their mental, physical and spiritual health.

Our Services
